Upcoming Meetings

SSLetters started with monthly doodle sessions for hand lettering enthusiasts to hand letter and doodle in company. Each month has a theme to help get your creative juices flowing, but we never would restrict your creativity to the theme!

Join us to meet more creatives in our community, swap pen secrets, and letter in company.


Registration Guidelines

Thanks to an overwhelming new support for SSLetters, we've outlined some new guidelines for attending our events to ensure we are able to accommodate as many folks as want to join us, as well as ensuring we are doing right by our host venues every month! SSLetters is free to attend each month, but please make sure that you're abiding by our guidelines so we can continue to be a place for people to letter in community. 

  1. Please RSVP before events. Often we are able to accommodate anyone who wants to join in the spur of the moment, but because of space limitations, we do need people to RSVP in advance so we know how many people to expect, and so that we do not overwhelm the spaces we are meeting.

  2. If you are unable to attend and already RSVP'd, please cancel your ticket. This will open space up to the next person in line on our waitlist. 

  3. If tickets are sold out, join the waitlist. If tickets open up, you will be notified on a first come, first serve basis.

  4. Although our meetings are free, please make sure to spend some money at our host venues. We meet at locally owned and operated restaurants and coffee shops around town that generously allow us to take over much of their space, so please make sure to make it worth their while and spend some dollars with them. We only meet at local businesses so your support of them makes a difference in supporting the local economy and allows us to continue meeting at these locations!  

Please let us know if you have questions about our new guidelines. Also, in an effort to keep things fair, tickets for each meeting will go live at 10am two weeks before the meeting date, so everyone has a chance to jump on them as soon as they are available. We will send out a notice before the event, and at the time tickets go live through our mailing list, so please subscribe here if you are not already on the list


Past Meetings

to see older meetings, visit our archive on our tumblr page!